by Nicole Baxter | Jan 6, 2017 | Art Book Printing
We recently completed a custom art book printing, Connected, for the photographer Amy Lombard. Amy works in Brooklyn, New York, and in 2013 she started to photograph meetups. Many folks and articles bemoan that today’s internet culture and smartphones...
by Nicole Baxter | Jan 4, 2017 | Art Book Printing, Book Production, Publisher Case Studies
Printing a coloring book at Bookmobile is an easy process. As a short-run digital printer offering many options and competitive pricing for black and white interior pages, we’re the perfect fit for coloring books. An excellent example we printed recently...
by Nicole Baxter | Dec 22, 2016 | Art Book Printing
From Eat Street, with Love: Stories and Recipes from Minneapolis’ Best Tasting Neighborhood is in its second printing at Bookmobile, after its first run quickly sold out! We’ve produced many cookbook printing projects, and this is definitely...
by Nicole Baxter | Dec 16, 2016 | Kickstarter | Crowdfunded
The Tailor’s Sword is a new Kickststarter children’s book written by Katelyn Forster and illustrated by Kerilynn Ayers. The Tailor’s Sword is a classic tale of a dragon with a drudge—the tailor’s bride becomes a...
by Nicole Baxter | Nov 11, 2016 | Kickstarter | Crowdfunded, Publisher Case Studies
Community Gardens in New York City: A Legal Primer is a nonfiction Kickstarter title that’s an overview of the legal status and rights of community gardens in New York City. We just shipped it out last week, and it’s one of the many...
by Nicole Baxter | Nov 3, 2016 | Book Production
Here’s a question I commonly hear at Bookmobile: How is the book printing cost calculated? My short answer is that the cost depends on the specifications of your book—page count, trim size, binding, materials, and quantity—and if any of those...
by Nicole Baxter | Nov 2, 2016 | Book Production
If you’re in or close to the Twin Cities, don’t miss out on the upcoming meeting from the Midwest Independent Publishing Association (MIPA), What’s Happening with eBooks? On November 9th, Bookmobile’s Amy...
by Nicole Baxter | Oct 28, 2016 | Art Book Printing
Brooklyn Draw Jam is a collaborative free-for-all group that meets and draws once a month at the Shoestring Studio in Brooklyn, New York. In March, they put out their first comic book printing — Best of Brooklyn Draw Jam, Volume One, an...
by Nicole Baxter | Oct 21, 2016 | Dropship and Distribution, Publisher Case Studies
Maybe you don’t need this reminder, but Bookmobile’s next-door neighbor is a book distributor for small publishers! We like to call Itasca Books our sister company, and Itasca offers print distribution to the trade for small and indie publishers, as well...
by Nicole Baxter | Oct 17, 2016 | Kickstarter | Crowdfunded, Publisher Case Studies
Najma is the latest novel we’ve printed for a Kickstarter client. Written by Danny Sherrard, Najma is the story of an “Arabic dream-book that must be translated to resurrect a hero mummified on the moon and open a secret...