by Nicole Baxter | Nov 30, 2015 | Art Book Printing, Book Production, Kickstarter | Crowdfunded, Publisher Case Studies
Mini comics are a fun example of the range of art books we print at Bookmobile. The custom paperbacks we produce are a natural fit for printing mini comics and graphic novels as well—unlike other book printers, we can successful perfect-bind as few as 16 pages,...
by Nicole Baxter | Nov 18, 2015 | Art Book Printing, Kickstarter | Crowdfunded
Bookmobile has been providing custom book printing for publishers, museums, galleries, artists, and fine art photographers since 1996. What is custom book printing? Most book printing is custom book printing, except with Print-on-Demand (POD) printers who only...
by Nicole Baxter | Oct 14, 2015 | Art Book Printing, Opinion
One of the books I bought at the NY Art Book Fair was Publishing in the Realm of Plant Fibers and Electrons by Temporary Services. I really like the long title, and the infographs on the inside were intriguing—plus it was on sale for $5. At...
by Don Leeper | Oct 8, 2015 | Art Book Printing, Book Production
But how was it made? Inside the world’s oldest multicolor printed book Seeing this headline on CNN, I had to read the article! Titled Shi zhu zhai shu hua pu, the book was printed in China in the early 17th century, and it gives instruction in the arts of...
by Nicole Baxter | Oct 7, 2015 | Art Book Printing
Bookmobile’s high-quality short-run art book printing services are a perfect fit for portfolio books for architects, graphic designers, fine art and professional photographers, as well as art school thesis presentations. No more oversized leather folders with...
by Nicole Baxter | Sep 30, 2015 | Art Book Printing, Opinion
I had a great time with Don Leeper at the NY Art Book Fair at MoMA PS1. I went to New York with a small carry-on bag, and I left with a heavy armload of art books for which, luckily, Don had room in his suitcase. Here’s what I picked up and looked at. I...