Orion Magazine‘s latest print book is out today, Change Everything Now. Starting with Thirty-Year Plan, Orion has been publishing print books and selling them directly from their website. It’s been a huge success. By selling books direct from their website only, Orion reaches out to their community with an exclusive offer and uses the print books to widen their subscriber base, raise funds, and promote events.
Where does Bookmobile come in? Bookmobile provides the high-quality printing and the order fulfillment. Orion sets up each new title with Bookmobile, signs off on printed proofs, and Bookmobile takes care of the rest. With Bookmobile handling the nuts and bolts of the back end, Orion can focus their energy on marketing and driving sales.
And with our Automatic Replenishment Program, Orion doesn’t pay for the printing until the book is sold. Orion places orders for events and office copies through our eFirst portal, and Bookmobile uses that plus sales expectations to set the first print run quantity. After the first print run, Bookmobile uses each title’s sales history to determine how many books should be in stock and reprints as necessary. Orion feeds their website orders into eFirst, and Bookmobile takes care of the fulfillment and posts back tracking numbers and ship dates.
Bookmobile has been endlessly patient and helpful in determining our needs, keeping us informed, and making a beautiful product we are proud to place in our readers’ hands.
—Hannah Fries, Associate Editor, Orion
Interested in Automatic Replenishment and Direct-to-Consumer Sales? Contact Us.