At Bookmobile, we work with over 60 university presses, and in addition to short-run printing we also provide design and typesetting and eBook services. Our quality, customer service, and competitive pricing makes us a great fit for university presses—the printing division of Bookmobile grew out of our design and typesetting production house that was founded in 1982 and mainly served university presses, like the University of Minnesota Press. We also manage offset print buying, so when our in-house digital printing operation began in 1996, we knew what quality standards we needed to meet in order to serve a university press’s print needs.
Case in point: we’ve been working with Texas Christian University Press for over ten years, printing bound galleys (also known as ARCs), paperbacks, and hardcovers. Over those years, TCU Press has made good use of some of our specialty book binding options, like split runs—which they used for the title pictured above, The Girls of the Golden West by James Lee Ward. (A split run is when the hardcover and paperback editions of a title are produced at the same time—a great way to save on costs and time.)
Other Specialty Book Binding Options
Unlike other short-run digital printers, we offer many specialty book binding options at Bookmobile, and here are just a few. The list is linked to our Gallery too—browse away for inspiration!
- Trim sizes up to 12″ x 12″
- Large-area foil stamps for hardcovers or paperbacks
- Photo inset on a hardcover case
- French flaps
- Fold-out inserts
- Translucent vellum inserts
- Translucent vellum dust jackets
- Uncoated paperback covers
- Three-piece hardcover case
- Printed endsheets
- Wire-o and plastic spiral binding
Looking for a better small-run book printing solution? We can provide your production department and warehouse the flexibility, options, and quality they need. Contact Nicole Baxter!