Bookmobile Print Settings Files
Download and install the Bookmobile settings files to make it easy to ensure that your color settings
and PDF creation options are optimized for printing at Bookmobile.
To Download Print Settings:
- Click on this download link (this link will not work in Chrome, please use another browser–Safari, FireFox, Opera, etc.):
Bookmobile Job Settings Files - The downloaded file will unzip into a folder containing these three files:
- Bookmobile Xerox cp1000 ICC Profile (For softproofing only! Do not use to convert to CMYK.)
- Bookmobile Color Settings file
- Bookmobile PDF Job Options file
To Install:
Installation instructions for each file are on these pages:
To Create PDFs:
- Creating a PDF for Printing at Bookmobile
Important Notes
- All color (like photographs or artwork) can be left as RGB. While not a guarantee of an exact color match, Bookmobile’s color gamut can handle a wider range of colors compared to traditional 4-color, CMYK printing. If your images are CMYK, it is okay to leave them as CMYK. It’s important to also note that color printing flat on a page will never be an exact match to what you see on your backlit monitor.
- Color backgrounds, swatches, or unnamed colors: We recommend that in your InDesign file you use only colors defined as CMYK. (You may see unwanted shifts in color if they are defined as RGB in InDesign, even if your swatches are specified as process.)
- RGB objects with unembedded profiles will be processed to the assumed RGB source of sRGB. If you are using an alternative RGB profile such as Adobe 1998, and you do not embed the profile, there will be a stronger color shift from the screen to the page.
- RGB objects with embedded profiles will be processed with the corresponding profile. If you are using a standard profile such as sRGB or Adobe 1998, then the color conversion process is fairly stable. If you are using a custom profile, or a profile with a much wider color gamut, then we would strongly advise that you review a printed proof before proceeding.
- CMYK objects embedded or unembedded will be processed with the assumed CMYK source of GRACoL2013 CRPC6.
- RGB conversions use a Perceptual (photographic) rendering intent. CMYK conversions use a relative colorimetric rendering intent.