At Bookmobile, we convert reflowable, fixed layout, and accessible eBooks. Are you the author of a children’s book? A fixed layout eBook is a great way to have your story in digital form. Is poetry your passion? We will work with your formatting concerns for an end product that meets your vision. Is accessibility in eBooks your focus? We can insert alternative text with images for device accessibility features. If you’re interested in more detailed information about eBook conversion, check out Don’s post on the subject.

eBook Conversion for Illustrated Books

The fixed layout eBook format works well for complex projects that require the content to remain in a set location on the page. It’s not as costly as it once was, so it can be a good, cost-effective fit for illustrated children’s books and art books. If you are targeting Apple and Amazon, EPUB and KF8 fixed layout formats are great for maintaining the intentional design of your print books. Our fixed layout EPUB conversions with the iPad’s Pinch-to-Zoom feature will result in an incredible reading and visual experience. For Kindle tablets, if you are concerned with the absence of the Pinch-to-Zoom feature in fixed layout—no worries! For a minimal additional fee, Bookmobile can add the “Region Magnification” feature to your KF8 fixed layout file that will provide a pop-up of the enlarged text.

eBook Conversion for Poetry

Reflowable formated eBooks have fluid text, or text that reflows from page to page. This format works well for books that have a simple layout and consist mainly of text. Although reflowable eBooks are not necessarily the best choice for poetry, some authors may prefer this format because it is less expensive, or because a section within a book may be better suited to the reflowable format. There are several options available to work with the challenges that arise for poetry due to the rewflowable format, and to differences in device screen sizes and the user option to change font sizes.

Bookmobile will work with you to discuss and provide solutions regarding formatting concerns before the conversion process begins so that your poetry will render well across eReading devices. After the initial conversion, we can make formatting changes to the eBook if you have additional concerns during proofing. We can also add a page to the front matter of the eBook with the longest line of poetry so people can set their device type size for an optimal view. With Bookmobile, the careful formatting of poems isn’t lost in an automated conversion process.

Accessibility in eBooks

An eBook provides an excellent opportunity to include accessibility features that are becoming an important part of our digital world. However, unless the eBook files are enriched with the code that adds the necessary accessibility text, these automated device features are not maximized. If your eBook contains images, Bookmobile can add your supplied alternative text to the coded images so it’s available for the accessibility features on many of the most frequently used eReading devices.

Interested in what Bookmobile can do for your eBook conversion? If you have questions or would like a quote, please contact Arna Wilkinson.